Organizational values interconnect different employees and help strengthen their affiliation with the company.
But it is not just enough to simply define values – it is of key importance that employees pursue them on a daily basis when performing their job tasks.
Thus, jointly with the company, we design /review the model of organizational values and adjust it to the company’s vision and mission. Together with the company’s management and expert staff attending the workshop, we review key values and determine behaviour reflecting these at work through employee behaviour. The workshop aims at defining tailor-made behaviour in the light of the company’s needs.
The workshop also familiarises employees with the importance of organizational culture and climate in the company, and devises a strategy on how organizational values can be translated into day-to-day work. For that purpose, a manual for the introduction of values to practical work and personalised value cards to be used during a selection or annual interviews are designed. The latter contain the description of values, behaviour, behavioural issues for the assessment of the presence of behaviour and tasks encouraging employees to develop /upgrade selected behaviour.
The model of organizational values and identified behaviour can also be reviewed at workshops with other company employees, with the latter being able to better internalise the understanding of values, their relevance and identified behaviour.