Upcoming events
14th Competo event: Can an organisation survive without bosses?
15.07.2019Outdated hierarchical business models can no longer respond to the challenges we are facing in business today. Only the ones who are flexible,...
Competo HR events

Trending in HR
Competo follows worldwide trends in HR services and collaborates with leading world experts in HR management.
Past events
13. Competo event: How will Millennials manage Generation X?
28. 11. 2018For the first time in history, there are 5 generations working together: traditionalists, baby-boomers, generation x, generation y and generation z....
Competo HR hekaton
16.02.2018Prihodnost dela ima nova pravila. Si jih drznete oblikovati skupaj z nami? Competo HR hekaton je celodnevni dogodek, na katerem bo skupina talentov...